Full Movie Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Full Movie
Watch Movie Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Full Movie HD with duration 91 Min and broadcast on 2014-03-12 and MPAA rating is 16.- Original Title : Cabin Fever: Patient Zero
- Movie title in your country : Cabin Fever: Patient Zero
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Horror,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-03-12
- Companies of movie : Film002, Indomina Productions,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 91 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.1
- Youtube ID of movie : PPbJVQt54iY
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,TR,RU,NL,FR,HU,ZH,EL,
- Actors of movie :
- Sean Astin ( Porter )
- Jillian Murray ( Penny )
- Currie Graham ( Dr. Edwards )
- Ryan Donowho ( Dobs )
- Brando Eaton ( Josh )
- Mitch Ryan ( Marcus )
- Solly Duran ( Camila )
- Lydia Hearst ( Bridgett )
- Claudette Lali ( Katia )
- Juan 'Papo' Bancalari ( Mr. Arias )
Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Synopsis:
Play Streaming Cabin Fever: Patient Zero A group of friends head to a deserted Caribbean island for a surprise overnight bachelor party only to discover that the island isn't deserted. It's actually the home to a secret medical facility. Not only that, there's something wrong with the water surrounding the island... Watch Movie Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Full Movie
You can play Cabin Fever: Patient Zero Movie Streaming in HD Now. Play and free download Cabin Fever: Patient Zero online movie with single fill out the form by clicking on the image of the sign up button. Enjoy all the albums new movie with all Faves Movie Streaming In ! Just play it Cabin Fever: Patient Zero full and free online movie. This is truly spectacular and could one of those rare amazing. The quality was great all around. Management, images and visual effects were all very innovative and brilliant. The pleasure of the script, often humorous and has a lot of heart for all his characters are all very well developed.
Director : Kaare Andrews, Property Master : Hector Dario Gutierrez, Special Effects : Vincent J. Guastini, Production Design : Linda Burton, Casting : Miguel Fernandez, Producer : Evan Astrowski, Producer : Jaime Pina, Casting : Edna Lerebours, Casting : Chadwick Struck, Costume Design : Gina Terc, Director of Photography : Norm Li, Executive Producer : Jasbinder Singh Mann, Original Music Composer : Kevin Riepl, Screenplay : Jake Wade Wall, Editor : Michael P. Mason, Set Designer : Ricardo Folch,
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