Download Playing It Cool Movie Streaming
Full Movie Playing It Cool Full Movie with duration 120 Min and broadcast on 2014-10-22 and MPAA rating is 3.Original Title : Playing It Cool
Movie title in your country : Playing It Cool
Year of movie : 2014
Genres of movie : Comedy, Romance,
Status of movie : Post Production
Release date of movie : 2014-10-22
Companies of movie :
Countries of movie : United States of America,
Language of movie : English,
Durationof movie : 120 Min
Average vote of movie : 6.7
Youtube ID of movie :
Translation of movie : EN,BG,FR,EL,
Cast of movie :
- Chris Evans ( Narrator )
- Michelle Monaghan ( Her )
- Aubrey Plaza ( Mallory )
- Ioan Gruffudd ( Stuffy )
- Martin Starr ( Lyle )
- Ashley Tisdale ( Ashley Tisdale )
- Patrick Warburton ( Dick )
- Topher Grace ( Scott )
- Anthony Mackie ( Bryan )
- Luke Wilson ( Samson )
- Jaeden Lieberher ( 6 Year Old Me )
Playing It Cool Synopsis:
Full Streaming Playing It Cool The story of a young man disillusioned by love who meets a breathtaking young woman at a charity dinner by pretending to be a philanthropist. Turns out that she’s engaged to a guy who doesn’t like her going on dates. Challenged by the chase, and egged on by his eclectic friends, he feigns a platonic relationship in order to keep seeing her as he tries to conquer her heart
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Director : Justin Reardon, Screenplay : Chris Shafer, Screenplay : Paul Vicknair,
Yes, now you can Watch Movie Playing It Cool Full Movie Streaming and get the link to Playing It Cool In HD
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